Gabriella Venturini
- Nationalité
- Italie
- Année d'élection
- 2021
Fonction(s) actuelle(s)
- Professor Emerita, University of Milan, Italy
- Member of the Council, International Institute of Humanitarian Law
- Past President, International Law Association, Italian Branch
Domaine(s) d’expertise
- International Humanitarian Law
- International Trade Law
- Disarmament and Non-Proliferation
- International Disaster Law
- International Space Law
- Public International Law
Gabriella Venturini is Professor Emerita, Associate Member of the Institute of International Law/Institut de Droit International and Member of the Council of the International Institute of Humanitarian Law. She was the President of the Italian Branch (ILA Italy) of the International Law Association from 2013 to 2021. Being full Professor of International Law, member of the Board of Directors and member of the Faculty for Ph.D in International Law at the University of Milan, she taught and wrote extensively in the field of public international law including International Humanitarian Law and Human Rights Law, International Disaster Law, Disarmament and Non-proliferation, Space Law, International Trade Law, and EU Law. Gabriella Venturini collaborated with the Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs as a member of the Italian delegation at several international meetings, conferences and negotiations, including the United Nations Diplomatic Conference of Plenipotentiaries for the Establishment of an International Criminal Court. She is a member of the board of several Italian and foreign periodicals.
Publications sélectionnées
- ‘International Humanitarian Law and the Conduct of Hostilities in the Case-law of the Eritrea-Ethiopia Claims Commission’, in de Guttry, H. Post, G. Venturini (eds.) The 1998-2000 War Between Eritrea and Ethiopia and Its Aftermath in International Legal Perspective. From the 2000 Algiers Agreements to the 2018 Peace Agreement. 2nd revised edition, The Hague: Asser Press – Springer (2021) 345-371
- New Dimensions and Challenges of Urban Warfare (ed.), 43nd Round Table on Current Issues of International Humanitarian Law, Sanremo, Online 9th September – 7th October 2020, Franco Angeli (2021) 154 pp.
- ‘The Legal Regime of the Use of Nuclear Power Sources in Space Missions’, in J. L. Black Branch and D. Fleck (eds.), Nuclear Non-Proliferation in International Law, Vol. V, Asser Press (2020) 73-91
- Integrating Gender Perspectives into International Operations (ed.), Sanremo: International Institute of Humanitarian Law (2019) xiv + 124 pp. and (English, Franch, Spanish, Italian, Russian and Arabic versions)
- ‘Les obligations de diligence dans le droit international humanitaire’ in Société française de droit international, Journée d’études franco-italienne du Mans, Le standard de due diligence et la responsabilité internationale, sous la direction de S. Cassella, Pedone (2018) 135-144
- ‘International Law and Intentional Destruction of Cultural Heritage’ in S. Pinton and L. Zagato (eds.) Cultural Heritage Scenarios 2015-2017, Edizioni Ca’ Foscari (2017) 103-118
- ‘The CTBTO at Twenty: beyond the CTBT?’, in The Nonproliferation Review, Vol. 23 (2016) 345-356
- ‘The Proliferation Security Initiative: A Tentative Assessment’, in J. L. Black-Branch and D. Fleck, Nuclear Non-Proliferation in International Law, Vol. II, Verification and Compliance, Asser Press (2016) 213-233
- ‘La struttura istituzionale dell’OMC’, in G. Venturini (ed.) L’Organizzazione Mondiale del Commercio, Terza Edizione, Milan: Giuffré (2014) 3-21
- ‘International Disaster Response Law in Relation to Other Branches of International Law’ and ‘Disasters and Armed Conflict’, in A. de Guttry, M. Gestri and G. Venturini (eds.) International Disaster Response Law, The Hague: Asser Press (2012) 45-64; 251-266.