Statutes of the Institute of International Law

The Statutes of the Institute of International Law were adopted at the Conférence international juridique, in Ghent (Belgium), on September 10, 1873. They have been revised on various occasions, the latest version dates 2023 (changes made to articles 1, 5, and 13). The French text is authoritative, the English text is a translation.

Rules of the Institute of International Law

The Rules of the Institute of International Law were adopted during the Geneva session on September 3, 1874. They have been revised on various occasions, the latest version has been revised during the Hyderabad Session (2017) and the Angers session (2023 – article 3). The French text is authoritative, the English text is a translation.

Statutes and Rules of the Auxiliary Foundation to the Institute of International Law

The Constitutional Act and Statutes of the Auxiliary Foundation (French version) were adopted on April 18, 1947 and approved by the Institute during the Lausanne session in 1947. They have been revised on various occasions, the latest version dates from 2015. The by-laws were adopted on November 24, 1947 and completed in 1948 and have seen also various revisions over time.


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