Vancouver 2001


First row: Pinto, Zemanek, Shahabuddeen, McWhinney, Dominicé, Vischer, Pocar

Second row: Ferrari-Bravo, Oda, Dinstein, Müllerson, Crawford, Mensah, Park, Amerasinghe, Sucharitkul (behind him Franck), Torrez Bernárdez (behind him Schwebel), Weeramantry

Third row: Morin, Abi-Saab, Yusuf, Cançado Trindade, Ranjeva, Rigaux, Lalive, Vukas, Momtaz, Riesman, Philip, Collins, Lowenfeld, Roucounas, Lady Fox, Riad, Schermers, Vignes

Fourth row: Ress, Jayme, Sarcevic, Gros-Espiell, Kooijmans, Sinclair, Watts, Salmon, Blix, Keith, Owada, Schachter, Rao, Waelbroeck, Sahovic, Higgins, Dimitrijevic, Degan

Fifth row: Lauterpacht, Meron, Frowein, Gaja, Schindler, North, Von Mehren , El-Kosheri, Feliciano, Orrego-Vicuña, Foighel, Gannagé, Broms, Treves, Conforti, Mrs Burdeau, Lagarde, Droz, Caflisch, Ando

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