Year of election
Year of titular member


Changjiang Xuezhe Professor at China Foreign Affairs University and Chief Expert, Wuhan University Institute of Boundary and Ocean Studies

Editor-in-Chief, Chinese Journal of International Law

Area(s) of Expertise

  • Public international law
  • International Dispute Settlement
  • Boundaries
  • Law of the sea
  • Responsibility


Sienho Yee

Selected publications

Towards an International Law of Co-progressiveness, Martinus Nijhof, 2004, 308 pp; and Part II: Membership; Leadership and Responsibility, Brill Nijhoff, 2014, 386 pp.

Article 38 of the ICJ Statute and Applicable Law: Selected Issues in Recent Cases, 7 Journal of International Dispute Settlement (2016), 472–498 (French translation: L’article 38 du Statut de la Cour internationale de Justice et le régime de droit applicable: Questions choisies et affaires récentes, 7 Journal of International Dispute Settlement (2016), 499–529).

Article 40 [of the ICJ Statute], in Andreas Zimmermann, Christian Tomuschat, Karin Oellers-Frahm &  Christian J. Tams (eds.), The Statute of the International Court of Justice: A Commentary (2d ed. October 2012, Oxford University Press), 922-999.

Notes on the International Court of Justice (Part 5): Temple of Preah Vihear (Interpretation) (2013), 14 Chinese Journal of International Law (2015), 655-663.

The 2013 Judicial Activity of the International Court of Justice, 109 American Journal of International Law (2015), 339-368.

A Proposal to Reformulate Article 23 of the ILC Draft Statute for an International Criminal Court, 19 Hastings International & Comparative Law Review (Spring 1996), 529-37.

Report on the ILC Project on “Identification of Customary International Law”, 14 Chinese Journal of International Law (2015), 375-398.

The South China Sea Arbitration (The Philippines v. China): Potential Jurisdictional Obstacles or Objections, 13 Chinese Journal of International Law (2014), 663-739.

‘Member Responsibility’ and the ILC Articles on the Responsibility of International Organizations: Some Observations, in: Maurizio Ragazzi (ed.), Responsibility of International Organizations: Essays in Memory of Sir Ian Brownlie (Martinus Nijhoff, 2013), 325-336.

The Dynamic Interplay between the Interpreters of Security Council Resolutions, 11 Chinese Journal of International Law (2012), 613-622.

The Interpretation of “Treaties in Force” in Article 35(2) of the Statute of the International Court of Justice, 47 International & Comparative Law Quarterly (1998), 884-904.

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