General Editor, Dicey & Morris (now Dicey, Morris & Collins), The Conflict of Laws, 11th-15th eds, 1987-2012 (and annual supplements)
European Community Law in the United Kingdom (1st ed. 1975; 2nd ed. 1980, 3rd ed. 1984; 4th ed. 1990)
Essays in International Litigation and the Conflict of Laws (1994)
Provisional and Protective Measures in International Litigation (1992-III) Receuil des cours, Hague Academy, vol 234, p 9
Comity in Modern Private International Law, in Reform and Development of Private International Law: Essays in Honour of Sir Peter North, ed Fawcett, 2002, p 89
FA Mann (1907-1991), in Jurists Uprooted, ed. Beatson and Zimmermann, 2004, p. 381
Revolution and Restitution: Foreign States in National Courts (2007) Receuil des cours, Hague Academy, vol. 326, p 9
Reflections on Holocaust Claims in International Law (2008) 41 Israel Law Review 402
Professor Lowenfeld and the Enforcement of Foreign Public Law (2009) 42 New York University Journal of International Law and Politics 125
In Memoriam: Andreas F. (Andy) Lowenfeld (2015) 59 American Journal of International Law 58