Gerhard Hafner
- Nationality
- Austria
- Year of election
- 2001
- Year of titular member
- 2007
- Commission
- Professor, retired
- Legal Consultant to the Austrian Federal Ministry Europe, Integration, Foreign Affairs
Area(s) of Expertise
- Droit de la mer
- Immunités
- Droit pénal international
- Neutralité
Selected publications
- together with M. G. Kohen/S. Breau (eds.), State Practice Regarding State Immunities/La Pratique des Etats concernant les Immunités des Etats (2006)
- together with F. Weiss, A. Kumin, Recht der Europäischen Union (2nd edition 2019)
- La neutralité permanente de l’Autriche et le Traité de Lisbonne, in E. Brosset/C. Chevallier-Govers/V. Edjaharian/C. Schneider (eds.) Le Traité de Lisbonne. Reconfiguration ou déconstitutionnalisation de l’Union européenne 313-337 (2009)
- The Provisional Application of the Energy Charter Treaty, in C. Binder/U. Kriebaum/A. Reinisch/S. Wittich (eds.), International Investment Law for the 21st Century: Essays in Honour of Christoph Schreuer 593-607 (2009)
- together with Isabelle Buffard, De la responsabilité à la prévention des dommages: les travaux de la Commission du droit international des Nations Unies, in Y. Kerbrat/S. Maljean-Dubois/R. Mehdi (eds.), Le droit international face aux enjeux environnementaux,145-164 (2010).
- together with I. Buffard, Obligations of Prevention and the Precautionary Principle, in J. Crawford/A. Pellet/S. Olleson (eds.), The Law of International Responsibility 521-534 (2010)
- Report on the topic: “Military assistance on request” at the Rhodes Session of the Institut de Droit International, September 2011
- Historical Background to the Convention, in: Roger O’Keefe, Christian Tams (ed.s), The United Nations Convention on Jurisdictional Immunities of States and Their Property (2013). 1 – 12.
- together with G. Novak, State Succession in Respect of Treaties in: Duncan B. Hollis (ed.) The Oxford Guide to Treaties, (2012) chapter 16.
- Refugees at Sea: States in Conflict between Obligation and Discretion, in: Europäisches Journal für Minderheitenfragen, European Journal of Minority Studies, vol 11, No 1 – 2 (2018), 50 – 73.