Makane Moïse Mbengue
- Nationality
- Senegal
- Year of election
- 2021
- Full Professor of International Law, Faculty of Law, University of Geneva
- Affiliate Professor, Sciences Po Paris (School of Law)
- Member of the Curatorium of The Hague Academy of International Law
Area(s) of Expertise
- Droit international de l’environnement
- Droit international économique
- Règlement des différends internationaux
- Droit de la mer
- Droit international de l’espace
Makane Moïse Mbengue is Professor of International Law at the Faculty of Law of the University of Geneva and Director of the Department of International Law and International Organization. He is also an Affiliate Professor at Sciences Po Paris (School of Law). He holds a Ph.D. in Public International Law from the University of Geneva. He is a Member of the Curatorium of The Hague Academy of International Law and an Associate Member of the Institut de droit international (IDI). Since 2017, he is the President of the African Society of International Law (AfSIL). He has acted and acts as expert for the African Union, the Secretary-General of the United Nations, the United Nations Economic Commission for Africa, the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP), the Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights, the World Health Organization (WHO), the World Bank, the International Labour Organization (ILO), the Organization of the Islamic Conference (OIC), the Islamic Development Bank and the International Institute for Sustainable Development (IISD) among others. He also acts as a Professor for courses in International Law organized by the United Nations Office of Legal Affairs (OLA) and by the United Nations Institute for Training and Research (UNITAR). Prof. Mbengue acts as counsel in disputes before international courts and tribunals (in particular, before the International Court of Justice and in investment cases) and as advisor for governments in relation to international dispute settlement. He is the author of several publications in the field of general international law.
Selected publications
- Crises Narratives in International Law (in collaboration with J. d’Aspremont (eds.)), Brill, Boston/The Hague, 2021, 194 p
- A Multifaceted Approach to Trade Liberalization and Investment Protection in the Energy Sector, Brill, Boston/The Hague (in collaboration with E. Cima (eds.)), 2021, 244 p
- Comparative Climate Change Litigation: Beyond the Usual Suspects (in collaboration with F. Sindico (eds.)), Springer, 2021, 619 p
- Use of Experts in International Freshwater Disputes: A Critical Assessment (with R. Das), in Brill Research Perspectives: International Water Law, Brill, Boston/The Hague, 2019, 102 p
- Essai sur une théorie du risque en droit international public. L’anticipation du risque environnemental et sanitaire, Pedone, Paris, 2009, 380 p
- African Perspectives in International Investment Law (in collaboration with Y. N. Hodu (eds.)), Manchester University Press, Manchester, 2020, 300 p
- The Dynamics of Disputes over Illegal, Unreported and Unregulated Fishing: Regime Convergence and Lex Feranda (in collaboration with H. Ruiz-Fabri and B. McGarry (eds.)), International Community Law Review, 2020, 260 p
- The Judgment of the ICJ in the Gabcikovo-Nagymaros Case and its Contribution to the Development of International Law (in collaboration with S. Forlati and B. McGarry (eds.)), Brill, Boston/The Hague, 2020, 263 p
- Africa and the ICSID System (in collaboration with M. Kinnear and P.J. Le Cannu), ICSID Review – Foreign Investment Law Journal, Special Issue, vol. 1, 2020, 292 p
- The 1997 United Nations Convention on the Non-Navigational Uses of International Watercourses: A Commentary (in collaboration with L. Boisson de Chazournes, M. Tignino and K. Sangbana (eds.)), Oxford University Press, Oxford, 2019, 504 p