Registrar, Administrative Tribunal of the International Labour Organization
Visiting Professor, IOMBA Programme, University of Geneva
Area(s) of Expertise
Law of international civil service
Law of international organizations
War reparations
Selected publications
“How Should Harassment Cases Be Dealt with in International Organizations? A Concise Guide trough the Case Law of the Administrative Tribunal of the International Labour Organization”, in: HOBЫE BЫ30BЫИНTEΓPAЦIИИ EAЭC: IIPABOBOE ИЗMEPHIE, (New Challenges of EAEU Integration: the Legal Dimension), Acts of international conference organised by the Court of Justice of the Eurasian Economic Union on 25-27 November 2020, Minsk, 2021, pp. 183-195;·“Access to Justice – An Unfished Task”, in:International Administrative Justice and international organizations: Overview and Prospects, edited by Abdoulkader Dileita, Abidjan, 2020, pp. 59-76;·
« International Labour Code : Myth or Reality » (with Tomi Kohiyama) in :ILO100 – Law for Social Justice, edited by George Politakis, Tomi Kohyiama, Thomas Lieby, ILO, 2019.·
« Judges of the international administrative tribunals», in: Liber Amicorum Guido Raimondi, Regards croisés sur la protection nationale et internationale des droits de l’homme /Intersecting Views on National and International Human Rights Protection,edited by Linos-Alexandre Sicilianos, Iulia Antoanella Motoc, Robert Spano & Roberto Chenal, Wolf Legal Publishers, 2019, p. 721 et seq.
Une contribution de 90 as du Tribunal administratif de l’Organisation internationale du Travail à la création d’un droit de la fonction publique internationale / 90 years of contribution of the Administrative Tribunal of the International Labour Organization to the creation of international civil service law (Editor :Dražen Petroviċ), Geneva 2017
«Le droit applicable devant le Tribunal administratif de l’Organisation internationale du travail», in :Revue de droit administratif et de droit fiscal, No. 6, 73e année, 2017, pp. 537-557
L’importance du Tribunal administratif de l’Organisation internationale du Travail sur l’immunité des organisations internationales en Suisse, Mélanges en l’honneur de Claude Rouiller, edited by Antoine Eigenmann, Charles Poncet and Bernard Ziegler, Helbing Lichtenhahn, Basel, 2016, pp. 181-194
Wrong address? Advisory Opinion of the ICJ on the Judgment No. 2867 of the ILOAT upon a Complaint Filed against the International Fund for Agricultural Development, Contemporary Developments in International Law; Essays in Honour of Budislav Vukas, edited by Rüdiger Wolfrum, Maja Seršić and Trpimir M. Šošić, Brill Nijhoff, Leiden-Boston, 2016, pp. 729-754
Le mécanisme de vérification des pouvoirs au sein de l’Organisation internationale du Travail, Manuel: Le droit international social, edited by Jean-Marc Thouvenin and Anne Trebilcock, Centre du Droit International (CEDIN), University of Paris X Nanterre, Bruylant, 2013, pp. 267-285
Privileges and immunities of UN Specialized Agencies in field activity, published on the web site of the conference “Practical Legal Problems of International Organizations: A Global Administrative Law Perspective on Public/Private Partnerships, Accountability, and Human Rights” (
Activity of the United Nations Compensation Commission, in The Law of International Responsibility, J. Crawford, A. Pellet, S. Olleson eds., Oxford University Press, 2010, Ch. 52.2,
Threat of Use of Force and its Consequences: Recent Developments, in International Law and the Use of Force at the Turn of Centuries, Essays in honour of V. D. Degan, edited by Vesna Crnic-Grotić and Miomir Matulović, Pravni fakultet (Faculty of Law), Rijeka, 2005