Rüdiger Wolfrum
- Nationality
- Germany
- Year of election
- 2007
- Year of titular member
- 2013
- Commissions
- Twelfth Commission: Judicial Control of Security Council Decisions (UNO)
- Thirteenth Commission: Territorial Administration by the United Nations and other International Institutions Endorsed by the United Nations
- Seventeenth Commission: Sovereign Default: Public and Private International Law Aspects
Area(s) of Expertise
- General Public International Law
- International Environmental Law
- United Nations Law
- Law of the Sea
- International Economic Law
Selected publications
Die Internationalisierung staatsfreier Räume: Die Entwicklung einer internationalen Verwaltung für Antarktis, Weltraum, Hohe See und Meeresboden, Springer Verlag, Berlin u.a. 1984, 757 p.
The Principle of the Common Heritage of Mankind, in: Zeitschrift für ausländisches öffentliches Recht und Völkerrecht 43, 1983, p. 312-337
United Nations: Law, Politics and Practice, (ed. together with Christiane Philipp), Martinus Nijhoff Publishers, Dordrecht/Boston/London, 1995, 2 vol.
The Emergence of “New Minorities” as a Result of Migration, in: Peoples and Minorities in International Law (Hrsg. C. Brölmann et al.), Dordrecht, Nijhoff, 1993, p. 153-166
Means of Ensuring Compliance with and Enforcement of International Environmental Law, in: Recueil des Cours, Bd. 272, 1999, p. 13-154
The Attack of September 11, 2001, the Wars Against the Taliban and Iraq: Is There a Need to Reconsider International Law on the Recourse to Force and the Rules in Armed Conflict? in: Max Planck UN Yearbook vol.7, 2003, p. 1-78.
Max Planck Encyclopedia of Public International Law (ed.) [Online-edition], Oxford University Press, London, since 2008 revised up to now.
Iraq – from Belligerent Occupation to Iraqi Exercise of Sovereignty: Foreign Power versus International Community Interference, in: Max Planck UN Yearbook, vol. 9, 2005, S. 1-45.
The Settlement of Disputes Before the International Tribunal for the Law of the Sea – A Progressive Development of International Law or Relying on Traditional Mechanisms, in: Japanese Yearbook of International Law, Band 51, International Law Association of Japan, Tokyo, 2008, p. 140-163.
Solidarity: A Structural Principle of International Law, (ed. together with C. Kojima) Springer, Heidelberg, 2010, 238 p.
The protection of the environment in armed conflict, IsrYb on Human Rights vol. 45 (2015), p. 67 -86.