Martti Koskenniemi
- Nationality
- Finland
- Year of election
- 2003
- Year of titular member
- 2021
- Commission
Professor (emeritus)
Area(s) of Expertise
History and theory of international law
Selected publications
- To the Uttermost Parts of the Earth: Legal Imagination and International Power 1300-1870 (Cambridge University Press 2021)
- International Law and Religion. Historical and Contemporary Perspectives (Co-edited with Monica Garcia-Salmones & Paolo Amorosa, Oxford University Press 2017);
- International Law and Empire: Historical Explorations (Co-edited with Walter Rech and Manuel Jiménez-Fonseca, Oxford University Press 2017)
- Creating Community and Ordering the World: The European Shadow of the Past and Future of the Present (Co-edited with Bo Stråth) (Department of World Cultures, Faculty of Law, University of Helsinki, 2014);
- The Cambridge Companion to International Law (Co-edited with James Crawford, (Cambridge University Press 2011);
- La politique de droit international (Paris, Pedone, 2007); The Politics of International Law (Oxford, Hart, 2012), in Spanish: La política del derecho internacional (Intr. C G Pascual, Madrid, Trotta 2020).
- From Apology to Utopia. The Structure of International legal Argument. Reissue with a New Epilogue (Cambridge University Press, 2005);
- The Gentle Civilizer of Nations: The Rise and Fall of International law 1870-1960 (Hersch Lauterpacht Memorial Lectures) (Cambridge University Press, 2001); Spanish: El Discreto Civilisador de Naciones. El auge y la caída del derecho internacional 1870-1960 (Ciudad Argentina & Servicio Publicaciones – Facultad de Derecho Universidad Complutense, 2005); Italian: Il mite civilizzatore delle nazioni. Ascesa e caduta del diritto internazionale 1870-1960 (Roma, Editori Laterza 2012).
- The Sources of International Law (ed. in the series “The Library of Essays in International Law”) (Ashgate/Dartmouth, London etc, 2000);
- La succession d’États: La codification à l’épreuve des faits / State Succession: Codification Tested against the Facts (with Pierre Michel Eisemann The Hague Academy of International Law, Nijhoff, The Hague, 2000);